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K. Jordyn Cazeau  
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Hello, my name is, Jordyn, and welcome to my portfolio page. I created this page as part of a past course requirement and decided to keep it for the very reason you are here today. As a recent graduate holding a Bachelor of Science degree, I provided an overview of my professional experience, community involvement, and achievements though it is not limited to just this site, I appreciate you taking the time to read and getting a glips of my training and skills.

The projects I have created and was a part of enabled me to be successful in many areas.  As a result, I have had several successful collaborations in my roles associated with consumers, clients, administration, managerial support, and many others. I look forward to opportunities where my creatively solution-based leadership skills will be a great contribution to my future role in exchange for the experience.


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 My updated resume and cover letter will be provided by request only.  


Thank you for your time and consideration 


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