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My Projects

My Projects

Past Projects

Project 1: Advertisement Video

This is a video I made for an Advertising and Writing class for a fictional eyewear brand named Cool Shade, which enhances the look of customers. It aims to share a modern and unique look for the brand, which is affordable and accessible to fashionable customers. 

Project 2: Mass Media and Society

This piece I wrote is on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. The report highlights the wage differences that exist by race, ethnicity, and gender. It checks the differences in the relevant qualifications backed by data showing the overall trends. Aspects of wage discrimination where two similarly qualified persons receive different wages based on race or gender are discussed.


Project 4: Communications Global Village

Papers on how the media is seen as a major propaganda tool favoring the United States. It detailed the media’s ability to deploy persuasive tactics to spread information, ideas, and stories to justify the US’s actions across the globe especially invasions of other countries. 


Project 6: Critical Reasoning and Law

This piece of work demonstrates critical reasoning and argument evaluation abilities that are required for the study of law.


Project 8: Advertising Writing

Visual ads while focusing on different products. The project incorporated photos and videos of the products alongside convincing write-ups to make the visuals engaging. The process enhanced my advertising skills and opened different perspectives to writing great promoting copy that generates sales.     


Project 3: Media and Race

These are papers on Mass Media Ideologies of Race. They detail the depiction of race in various media outlets such as news, films, and gaming. Ethnic minorities suffer marginalization and when represented, they take up stereotyped roles.  For instance, black individuals get disproportionately symbolized as criminal and violent while lacking in intellect and social power. In ethnic minority mediums, more constructive depictions occur to offer a counter-story to mainstream typecasts but at times exhibit thin-veiled typecasting.


Project 5: Media Literacy

A civic media project on research documenting the issues of the "EXTINCTION REBELLION" movement and its calls for action. Based on my research, I created a civic media which covered an overview of the organization (main issue of the movement), and the history of the organization (overall timeline and current status). The media project described the dominant social justice issues "EXTINCTION REBELLION" seeks to address.


Project 7: Mediation

This work is aimed at examination of the act of criminal justice technique of mediation. It provides theoretical and case study based examination of mediation.

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